Monday, 19 October 2009

Summary of presentation

This presentation tries to look at the social factors that we should consider while planning a strategy for WOU. It tries to address the social factors from the buy side and continues to the sell side.

The buy side social factors mainly focus on transparency. This is because consumers are becoming increasingly cautious about the products they buy. They would like to be sure that the money they spend reaches the root of the supply chain. As a solution this presentation suggests WOU and/or its suppliers to join Fairtrade to gain consumer’s trust.

The sell side social factors include age (34-69), main stream media and national holidays as shown by the customer journey. Furthermore, as the findings of our research show, the last two months of the year are a good chance for WOU to boost its sales, by setting up events where the main customers reside in.


  1. What do customers do when they go online?

  2. Just found an interesting site that shows what do customers do when they go online:
    Ruder Finn Intent Index

    91% of women(compared to 73% of men) go online to socialize
